Key Performance Indicators
(KPI) also known as KSIs which stand for Key Success Indicators are not
specifically linked only to HRD, but has to do with the entire organization.
Since HR is the heart of any organization usually HR is assists other department
also to set and identified their KPIs, which are measurable and quantifiable in
nature so as to measure the success of the organization in terms of the
organization's mission and goals. Hence KPIs can be defined as measurements for
an organization's success.
For example, HR Department
could have Employee Turnover as one of its KPIs. The goal for setting this KPI
would be to reduce employee turnover. It could be defined numerically for
better definition such as to reduce employee turnover by 5% every year. This
KPI could be defined as the total of the number of employees separated from the
organization for reasons of resignation or termination divided by the number of
employees at the beginning of the year. It could be measured on a fixed time
schedule like every month or every quarter. For HR Department other KPIs
can be following: Recruitment KPI, Training KPI, Health and Safety KPI,
Performance KPI, HR Efficiency KPI, Working Time KPI, Compensation KPI, Labor
Relation KPI, Employee Satisfaction KPI, Employee Loyalty KPI, HR Budget and
Accounting KPI etc.
Sample Explanation:
Frequently used HR KPIs
FTE = Full Time Employees
Revenue per Employee (FTE)
Assets per FTE
Training Hours per FTE
Training Costs per FTE
HR Department Cost per FTE
FTEs per HR Department FTE
Acceptance Rate
Average Cost per Hire
Absence Rate
Turnover Rate
Resignation Rate
Human Investment Ratio
Compensation &
Average Remuneration
Time taken per recruitment
Cost per recruitment
The choice of HR KPI will vary from year to year, subject to organization’s strategic planning, corporate strategies and objectives which in turn affect HR’s strategic planning, HRM strategies and objectives. Bellow, I am providing only one KPI’s in details here. If anyone needs the details of other metrics, please do email me.
Training KPIs include key
performance indicators as follows:
1. Training courses
• Number of courses offered
• Number of courses
2. Training costing
• Organization training
expenditure (% of salaries and wages)
3. Training certificates
• Number of employees
completing sponsored education programs
4. Training hours
• Average number of
training hours per employee
5. Training budget
• % of HR budget spent on
• Average training costs
per employee
6. Training satisfaction
• Employee satisfaction
with training.
7. Training results
• % of employees gone
through training
• Average time to
competence. That is average time it takes until expected competence level is
• % & employee reach
competence after training.
8. Training penetration
It measures the percentage
of employees completing a course compared to total number of employees
9. E-learning training
• e-learning courses
• % of e-learning pass rate
© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM
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Thanks Ashis Mittal for your time to make comments here. ATB
Most HR Training KPIs are useless as they are not aligned with he final result.
For example: % of HR budget spent on training.
Well, with that KPI it is possible to measure the budget spent on training, but it doesn't tell anything about results for your business?
As I write in my article "Training KPIs for HR measures aligned with the final result", employee might study full time MBA, but will it help your employee deliver better results and to what extent?"
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