Friday, February 17, 2012

Back to Basic!!!

In any organization, Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the mostly needed departments now a day. Forget about Personnel Management. That is a Stone Age concept. The function of any organization which is responsible for recruitment, provide job descriptions, assess performance in tenure, doing need assessment for required training for further individual and organizational development, working strategically aligned with the management and offer direction to the human capital time to time is HRM. In the present age HRM is not only the task for HR department rather HRM can also be performed by line managers.

As Susan stated in that HRM is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. I would like to add one more point and that is innovation. And that innovation must be tagged with Information System like e-HRM, HRIS.


HRM manage people within and beyond the organization. HR personnel have to have the mentality that they are the spokesman of any organization so that they have to be more trained in customer services both internal and external. Managing people from a different race, culture, religion, beliefs and gender as well as disabled is one of the core issues of HRM. For sure, friendly and considered HRM can bring more success and keep the work place environment breathy. Effective HRM certainly accelerate the employees motivation level and that contribute significant input to any organization to achieve optimum productively and the accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives.

If you or you’re the management of your organization still believe in traditional personnel, administration, and transactional roles, my write-ups are not for you. We are in the year of 2012 now e-HRM with bio-metrics, RFID, chips are widely using. HR start adding value strategically to the organization from the last decade and it’s a profit centre and measurable.

Last but very important basic in my view about HRM is: please do not choose your career in HR, if you do not love to mingle with people. HR is truly by the people, of the people and for the people. Chiao!

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM

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