Sunday, April 22, 2012

Work Life Balance: (It's Not A Joke With A Joke)

Every Human Capital Managers' one of major responsibility is make sure, employees work-life balance are there. HR professionals have to promote work-life balance to retain and motivate employees. As Jonathan Huie mentioned that, "The concept of Work-Life Balance can become a two-way street - give as well as take. Think of it as an extension of Flex-Time. Flex-Time doesn't create less work, it simply allows employees to rearrange their work hours to fit their life priorities. Work-Life Balance should be the same - an opportunity for your employees to do what is most important in each moment - both taking a day to nurture a sick child, and also taking a Sunday evening to prepare that important presentation. By taking a leadership position in offering a Work-Life Balance program before it is demanded, you have the opportunity to set the ground rules as well as to position your company as an innovator in human resources".  (Article Source:

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Before ending about this issue let me share one of hilarious conversations between two colleagues which I got by email from Amit Bhagria Young HR Manager Inc, 15 Nehru Place, New Delhi, India. Enjoy!!! :)  

This is good...

During lunch break one afternoon at work, Rajgopalan and
Shakaracharya were chatting.... 

Rajgopalan: Shankar, I've been working late every day since I have
joined here & hence I got a promotion and very good bonus this

Shankaracharya: How could it be Raj? Is that the only secret?

Rajgopalan: No, in the process of staying after office hours, I
have also gathered a lot of General Knowledge; & my boss also asked
me such questions at appraisal time. 

Shankaracharya: Like what? 

Rajgopalan: For example, do you know who is Graham Bell?

Shankaracharya: No 

Rajgopalan: He's the inventor of the phone in 1876; if you spent more time in office after office hours you would know this! 

The next day, the same discussion took place:
Rajgopalan: Do you know who Alexander Dumas is?

Shankaracharya: No 

Rajgopalan: He's the author of "The 3 Musketeers", if you spent
more time in office after office hours you would know this!

The next day, once again:

Rajgopalan: And do you know who Jean Jacques Rousseau is?

Shankaracharya: No 

Rajgopalan: He's the author of "Confessions", if you spent more
time in office after office hours you would know this!

This time, Shankaracharya got irritated and said:

Shankaracharya: And you, do you know who is Balachandra Appaswamy?

Rajgopalan: No 

Shankaracharya: He's the guy roaming with your wife every evening
!! If you stop spending more time in office after office hours, you
would know this! 

Moral: There is 'something' important in life than Work and General Knowledge. Enjoy life.

P.S: Any of my articles/write-ups can be shared, modified, used anytime for better Human Capital Management, with or without giving credentials. I do believe: Sharing is Caring :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

e-HRM for Green HR Towards Green World!!!

e-HRM for Green HR Towards Green World!!!

Green awareness is not a new topic from last few years. Most interesting thing is HR professionals in the organization are not only aware about this rather they start working for it. As mentioned one of the article before how e-HRM can assist or organization’s to be greener through paperless office and others, this time few new points added in this article.

HR professionals in organization can develop a powerful social conscience and green sense of responsibility internal and external customers, stakeholders, partners etc. Recent times, consumers demand ethics and environmental credentials as a top priority. Society and business see their agenda align. HR department have to drive corporate behavior towards more environment friendly path. HR professional cannot wait for others like production or supply chain department or the engineering team will initiate the program. Its part of CSR and HR has to launch it now. The environmental lobby is so pervasive that organization, especially the HR department must be quick to react to consumer concerns about any aspect of their business which could be deemed unethical. Clear communication and clarity about products and services is essential. 

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Apart from above HR need to assist their SCM team to have strong control over their supplier networks to ensure that corporate ethical values are upheld across the supply chain, and be able to troubleshoot when things go wrong. This has led to many organizations taking greater ownership of key components of the supply chain through vertical integration. Rigid contractual obligations are in place covering every eventuality.

Green Audit by HRM: 

HR professional need to implement the green audit process within their organization. The audit process and quarterly organization reports are characterized by a focus on measuring greenness detailing carbon emissions ratings, and carbon exchange activity, as well as the more traditional company valuations. This is an indication of the importance shareholders and investors place on these issues which are reflected in the share price. They need to alarm others about big corporate fines. Brands can rise and fall on the basis of perceived green credentials, with government imposed corporate fines for bad behavior in this highly regulated world. Corporate responsibility is not an altruistic nice to have, but a business imperative.

How HR will Manage Human Capital in the Green World:

- HR Folks, your current human capital (employees) are expected to uphold corporate values and targets around the green agenda. Most are given carbon credit tokens which are used like ration books to be cashed in for printing documents in hard copy, company travel and other anti-societal activities. So, be cautious and start campaign about no print, less utility and stationary as well as toiletries e.g. toilet paper, napkin consume.

-  To attract fresh blood in your talent pool note the followings: new graduates look for employers with strong environmental and social credentials; in response HR departments play a key role in developing the corporate social responsibility programme. Failed to do so, for sure you’ll lose some talents.

-  Be proactive. Manage your top management to allocate fund for virtual social and work network. Make the office fully equipped with latest technology like internet, informative and interactive website, skype, linkedIn, FB, Twitter and others. So that the sales, marketing team can communicate and give demonstration about the products. Less travel will not only save carbon emission as well as big amount of travel budget and time.

- If your organization have the budget please don’t hesitate to provide company transport between work and home to minimise the need for car use. This has led to many organizations choosing to relocate parts of their operation to where people are based and out of big cities.

Last but not least, if the world becomes unhealthy to live, there is no value of our Talent, Competency, Skill, Know ledges and Experiences. So, start your war now and say e-HRM for Green HR Towards Green World.

P.S: Any of my articles/write-ups can be shared, modified, used anytime for better Human Capital Management, with or without giving credentials. I do believe: Sharing is Caring :)

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM