Friday, December 14, 2012

Employee Performance Appraisal and Corrective Measures

The end of each year HR and line managers become so active with the assessment of performance of employees. However this appraisal is not a year end process rather needed to be carried out throughout the year as a continuous HRM proses. The job not finished when a talent or pool of talent recruited in any organization. It is uncommon to see that few of those talent becomes unprovoked, the poor performer after a certain period. Research shows that employees become de-motivated for various causes and among them few are:

1. Lack of Recognition of Competence: Employees expected that organization will give proper value of their knowledgeable, skill and experience. If not, only perk and benefits can not keep their competence high for a longer tenure.

2. No autonomy at all: After a certain period of engagement with the work and organization, employees seeks the exercise self-regulation, within the guidelines, to achieve business goals. If they just monitored and instructed all the time, they lose their motivation to achieve innovative and wonderful new business ideas.

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3. No clear career path: Only increment or raise of salary can not able to keep employees' morale high in the organization. They want to see that after 5 years where they can reach if they perform really well aligned with organization business goal and vision. A better succession plan is mandatory as well as the crystal clear career path for each level.

4. Proper training and development plan: Employees deserve to get training to attain further development of their career. If an organization failed to provide proper training to them and a good training plan is missing there, certainly it is tough for HR to keep the employee on track.

Based on the above points in any business organization may find that, their employees tend to turn in work late, lack of commitment, missing of seriousness, lack of focus on assignments, missing deadlines as well as no longer act as a team player as they were earlier. So, corrective measures with proper actions need to be adopted to overcome this situation. And this the time to do so. Year end is here and performance appraisal system has to be very scientific. Those companies already implemented e-HRM, its high time for them to use the database. All the best in each single employee throughout the world. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013!

P.S: Any of my articles/write-ups can be shared, modified, used anytime for better Human Capital Management, with or without giving credentials. I do believe: Sharing is Caring :)

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM

Monday, August 20, 2012

e-HRM for Academic Institution for Better Performance Management!

Managing performance is one of the crucial responsibilities not only for the HR personnel as well as all head of departments or line manager. The way performance managed and supervised in the corporate world in present challenging global market is really impressive. However, in my observation Academic Institution (Universities) is far behind of this trend and somehow academicians are not properly judged or even less utilized. My point is not against to the academicians nor even raising my finger to them, but the main reason is still we may see that registrar department doing the recruitment work for the university, no proper HR department or practices there. Even worst there always very badly visible two stream. One academician and another one is administrative staffs, even the rules, policies, etc. also significantly different which caused huge grievances.

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To resolve this issue, again I am requesting to the management of academic institution to implement e-HRM. Various researchers have shown that online performance appraisal systems reduce costs and increase the speed through the process. Additional advantages of those systems include the shortage of previous year’s data that helps top management to compare the employees’ results and evaluations for the last years in an easier way. Across the world, we have seen that requirements for talented scholars as academicians rapidly growing. So, there is always the presence of local as well expat academicians in academic institutions. Some create different performance management system for local and international academic staff. Honestly speaking it just creates more trouble in a long run. No parties will feel ownership for the institution then. Creating a challenging performance management system for the academic staff will push them to think out of the box, and for sure they won’t stick up only the textbook then. University’s need to employ a lecturer only those who at least have one or two-year corporate experiences. Thus, it will ensure the fine mix of knowledge both from academic text books and real-life experience.

As we knew that business leaders are counting on academic institutions: schools, colleges, universities and other training establishments for infusing well-qualified fresh talent into industry. In turn, academic institutions are continually determined for improving their output both in terms of numbers, and the quality of talent offered for varying jobs in different types of organizations. The excellence of output from an academic institution depends on the quality of their faculty, support services and infrastructure. Attaining these higher levels of excellence, institutions need to set high-performance goals for their academic and non-academic staff. These goals should be effectively measured at frequent intervals to bridge performance gaps, if any. Institutions which can efficiently manage the performance of their faculty, and other employees can leave their mark on industry.

Thus, having the best from class performance management system which only can be ensured through implementing e-HRM is not only a need of the hour but an enabler of excellence in an academic institution. Think about it and put your comments.

P.S: Any of my articles/write-ups can be shared, modified, used anytime for better Human Capital Management, with or without giving credentials. I do believe: Sharing is Caring :)

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM

Sunday, July 15, 2012

From The Court Of HR: Why Employees Leave Organizations?

Numerous reasons are behind for leaving current workplace. Each new day HR starts fighting with posting job advertisement in Website(s), LinkedIn, Twitter, Newspaper, Head-hunters and so on. Question is why? Why employees leaving even though the work environment is superb, perk and benefits market standard etcetera. Much has been claimed that, employees leave because of poor HR policies. If anyone sticks too long to a company s/he is taken for granted that s/he won't leave and also perceive that perhaps not getting a job outside. In addition to that organization culture and environment plays crucial role to retain the employees.

Let me give my own example. I quit from one reputed organization earlier in my life because of my bad manager. I tried a lot to cop-up with that manager style of work, attitudes but still unable to keep myself motivated in the long run. Even though that person completed his Masters from USA but still lack of positive attitudes like giving right recognition, provide adequate facilities and never appreciate for good work. However, he is the Head of HR for that organization. I do believe many of you had the same experience.  

Some of you already raised you eye-brew that I am pointing my fingers to that poor fellow without saying about my lack of skills or others. Trust me Manager(s) is one of the main reasons for employees’ drives away from the company. Allow me to share one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization. That study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was published in a book called "First Break All The Rules." The survey result not surprising me as it said if you're losing good people, look to their manager. Manager is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization as well as manager is the reason why people leave. When people leave they take knowledge, experience and contacts with them, straight to the competition. According to that book authors, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman: "People leave managers not companies," Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious, too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents. When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over a trivial issue. Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't.

Allow me to share another case happened in the corporate world. ‘S’, got an offer as a senior HR executive from a reputed business giant located at Malaysia. Previously, he was working as HR officer in a Singaporean company based in Jurong, Singapore. He was thrilled by the offer as the salary is good with re-location benefits, company had all the right systems in place with employee-friendly HR and e-HRM system, a state of art new office premises, healthy and renowned caterer for employee canteen and the CEO is very popular for his awesome charisma. ‘S’ seems happy to get the offer but within six months he quit from that Malaysian company. He walked out because of his immediate supervisor’s racial attitudes with him. ‘S’ leaves the company not for better pay or profile but for the manager.

What HR Can Do To Tackle Such Situations:

1. Ensure good ‘Exit Interview’ practice for every level of employees.
2. Strict and well circulated ‘Sexual Harassment’ policy.
3. Proper and regular ‘Employee Rewards and Recognition’ practices.
4. Follow-up meeting with every department with HR at least twice in a year, better in each quarter.
5. Well articulated policy for ‘Grievance Handling’ and have online option for HR service desk.
6. Ensured career path for everyone with succession planning and training.

P.S: Any of my articles/write-ups can be shared, modified, used anytime for better Human Capital Management, with or without giving credentials. I do believe: Sharing is Caring :)

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM

Monday, May 28, 2012

Job Seekers @ Social Media

Recent days we saw that social network like linkedIn, Facebook, Twitter has been using by head hunters or recruitment agencies to peek the right personnel for the employers. Nevertheless some of us become frustrated while don't get the proper response in personal case. 

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HR professional who recruit through those social media don’t over look the basic requirements required for the respective position. So, whatever the source or media for recruitment, job seekers have to keep in mind that they need some key skills, education as well as updated resume to be hired.

P.S: Any of my articles/write-ups can be shared, modified, used anytime for better Human Capital Management, with or without giving credentials. I do believe: Sharing is Caring :)

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Work Life Balance: (It's Not A Joke With A Joke)

Every Human Capital Managers' one of major responsibility is make sure, employees work-life balance are there. HR professionals have to promote work-life balance to retain and motivate employees. As Jonathan Huie mentioned that, "The concept of Work-Life Balance can become a two-way street - give as well as take. Think of it as an extension of Flex-Time. Flex-Time doesn't create less work, it simply allows employees to rearrange their work hours to fit their life priorities. Work-Life Balance should be the same - an opportunity for your employees to do what is most important in each moment - both taking a day to nurture a sick child, and also taking a Sunday evening to prepare that important presentation. By taking a leadership position in offering a Work-Life Balance program before it is demanded, you have the opportunity to set the ground rules as well as to position your company as an innovator in human resources".  (Article Source:

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Before ending about this issue let me share one of hilarious conversations between two colleagues which I got by email from Amit Bhagria Young HR Manager Inc, 15 Nehru Place, New Delhi, India. Enjoy!!! :)  

This is good...

During lunch break one afternoon at work, Rajgopalan and
Shakaracharya were chatting.... 

Rajgopalan: Shankar, I've been working late every day since I have
joined here & hence I got a promotion and very good bonus this

Shankaracharya: How could it be Raj? Is that the only secret?

Rajgopalan: No, in the process of staying after office hours, I
have also gathered a lot of General Knowledge; & my boss also asked
me such questions at appraisal time. 

Shankaracharya: Like what? 

Rajgopalan: For example, do you know who is Graham Bell?

Shankaracharya: No 

Rajgopalan: He's the inventor of the phone in 1876; if you spent more time in office after office hours you would know this! 

The next day, the same discussion took place:
Rajgopalan: Do you know who Alexander Dumas is?

Shankaracharya: No 

Rajgopalan: He's the author of "The 3 Musketeers", if you spent
more time in office after office hours you would know this!

The next day, once again:

Rajgopalan: And do you know who Jean Jacques Rousseau is?

Shankaracharya: No 

Rajgopalan: He's the author of "Confessions", if you spent more
time in office after office hours you would know this!

This time, Shankaracharya got irritated and said:

Shankaracharya: And you, do you know who is Balachandra Appaswamy?

Rajgopalan: No 

Shankaracharya: He's the guy roaming with your wife every evening
!! If you stop spending more time in office after office hours, you
would know this! 

Moral: There is 'something' important in life than Work and General Knowledge. Enjoy life.

P.S: Any of my articles/write-ups can be shared, modified, used anytime for better Human Capital Management, with or without giving credentials. I do believe: Sharing is Caring :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

e-HRM for Green HR Towards Green World!!!

e-HRM for Green HR Towards Green World!!!

Green awareness is not a new topic from last few years. Most interesting thing is HR professionals in the organization are not only aware about this rather they start working for it. As mentioned one of the article before how e-HRM can assist or organization’s to be greener through paperless office and others, this time few new points added in this article.

HR professionals in organization can develop a powerful social conscience and green sense of responsibility internal and external customers, stakeholders, partners etc. Recent times, consumers demand ethics and environmental credentials as a top priority. Society and business see their agenda align. HR department have to drive corporate behavior towards more environment friendly path. HR professional cannot wait for others like production or supply chain department or the engineering team will initiate the program. Its part of CSR and HR has to launch it now. The environmental lobby is so pervasive that organization, especially the HR department must be quick to react to consumer concerns about any aspect of their business which could be deemed unethical. Clear communication and clarity about products and services is essential. 

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Apart from above HR need to assist their SCM team to have strong control over their supplier networks to ensure that corporate ethical values are upheld across the supply chain, and be able to troubleshoot when things go wrong. This has led to many organizations taking greater ownership of key components of the supply chain through vertical integration. Rigid contractual obligations are in place covering every eventuality.

Green Audit by HRM: 

HR professional need to implement the green audit process within their organization. The audit process and quarterly organization reports are characterized by a focus on measuring greenness detailing carbon emissions ratings, and carbon exchange activity, as well as the more traditional company valuations. This is an indication of the importance shareholders and investors place on these issues which are reflected in the share price. They need to alarm others about big corporate fines. Brands can rise and fall on the basis of perceived green credentials, with government imposed corporate fines for bad behavior in this highly regulated world. Corporate responsibility is not an altruistic nice to have, but a business imperative.

How HR will Manage Human Capital in the Green World:

- HR Folks, your current human capital (employees) are expected to uphold corporate values and targets around the green agenda. Most are given carbon credit tokens which are used like ration books to be cashed in for printing documents in hard copy, company travel and other anti-societal activities. So, be cautious and start campaign about no print, less utility and stationary as well as toiletries e.g. toilet paper, napkin consume.

-  To attract fresh blood in your talent pool note the followings: new graduates look for employers with strong environmental and social credentials; in response HR departments play a key role in developing the corporate social responsibility programme. Failed to do so, for sure you’ll lose some talents.

-  Be proactive. Manage your top management to allocate fund for virtual social and work network. Make the office fully equipped with latest technology like internet, informative and interactive website, skype, linkedIn, FB, Twitter and others. So that the sales, marketing team can communicate and give demonstration about the products. Less travel will not only save carbon emission as well as big amount of travel budget and time.

- If your organization have the budget please don’t hesitate to provide company transport between work and home to minimise the need for car use. This has led to many organizations choosing to relocate parts of their operation to where people are based and out of big cities.

Last but not least, if the world becomes unhealthy to live, there is no value of our Talent, Competency, Skill, Know ledges and Experiences. So, start your war now and say e-HRM for Green HR Towards Green World.

P.S: Any of my articles/write-ups can be shared, modified, used anytime for better Human Capital Management, with or without giving credentials. I do believe: Sharing is Caring :)

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM

Sunday, March 11, 2012

HR Professional and Donating Blood

Human Resources Management is not only managing the employees within the organization but also guide them to work for each other as a team as well as extend the helping hands for others. Today, I am posting this article about “Donating Blood” to aware HR personnel and increase their love and care for others.

Why the Blood Donation?

It’s a voluntary act of allowing one's blood to be drawn out-of-body has many advantages besides giving that wonderful feeling of saving someone's life. The blood donated is stored in blood banks, to be subsequently used for transfusion. No doubt the first and foremost advantage of donating blood is the exalted feeling of saving someone's life. If we donate the little excess blood in our body, it could save someone's life without creating any problem for us. Instead it would help to alleviate some major health problems like heart diseases. Blood donation is an excellent way to get rid of excess iron accumulated in our body due to its overconsumption. Excess iron in the body can stimulate the formation of free radicals, which are responsible for causing damage to body cells and tissues. Free radicals are also associated with many diseases like heart diseases and cancer. 

By donating blood individual specially the men have higher chance to reduced their iron overloading. This iron overloading is also thought to increase the risk of heart diseases. Besides, iron oxidizes cholesterol, which is harmful for the arteries. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease characterized by excess accumulation of iron in the tissues due to improper metabolism. The disease can cause damage to many organs like pancreas, adrenal glands, etc. It may also cause diabetes, liver diseases and heart diseases. So, donating blood on a regular basis would help you to regulate the level of iron in your body. Studies have shown that donating blood regularly can be beneficial for the heart and circulatory system and can reduce the risk of heart diseases, especially among young people.

Besides, blood donation also burns the extra calories and reduces your cholesterol level. After donating blood, the count of blood cells decreases in our body, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce new red blood cells in order to replenish the loss. So, it stimulates the production of new blood cells and refreshes the system. 

Role of HR Personnel about Donating Blood:

I am sure none of the prominent HR professional will claim that they don’t work for the people, by the people. HR practitioners not only work for the betterment of the employee’s of the organization as well as for the betterment of the society. Some may conceptualize it at Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or whatever. HRM is always near to those who need the helps from others.
HR professional have the adequate opportunity to arrange the blood donation camp as well as make them as a hero or idol by start donating blood first. They need to put the examples of work for others by arranging such activities. They are the spokesman for the organization as well as the leader for the team. So, they need to take this initiative first.

They have to aware employees that there are no major disadvantages of donating blood, except that sometimes one may experience a drop in blood pressure due to hypovolemia (a state of reduced blood volume), which may necessitate cancellation of donation. Sometimes, one may also experience mild nausea or dizziness for a short while. But if you compare the health benefits and mental satisfaction that comes from saving a life, you will feel that benefits of this act of charity are not only restricted to the recipient, but also helps the donor immensely.
Besides making aware the employee about benefits of donating blood, HR department can arrange the blood donation camp in the University and other job camp as part of their CSR. I do believe that Blood Donation campaign can brings more benefits to them comparing to the thousand dollars advertisement.
Iron overloading is also thought to increase the risk of heart diseases. Besides, iron oxidizes cholesterol, which is harmful for the arteries. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease characterized by excess accumulation of iron in the tissues due to improper metabolism. The disease can cause damage to many organs like pancreas, adrenal glands, etc. It may also cause diabetes, liver diseases and heart diseases. So, donating blood on a regular basis would help you to regulate the level of iron in your body. Studies have shown that donating blood regularly can be beneficial for the heart and circulatory system and can reduce the risk of heart diseases, especially among young people.

Besides, blood donation also burns the extra calories and reduces your cholesterol level. After donating blood, the count of blood cells decreases in our body, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce new red blood cells in order to replenish the loss. So, it stimulates the production of new blood cells and refreshes the system. 

Before donating blood, your hemoglobin level will be tested. If it is low, then you will not be allowed to donate blood. Besides hemoglobin, your blood pressure level and body weight will also be checked. In addition, your blood will also be examined for detecting the presence of five diseases, namely, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS and malaria. If you are not suffering from these diseases, only then you will be allowed to donate your blood.

Few Facts about Blood Donation:

·         Whole blood donors can donate as frequently as every 56 days. A benefit from donating this often is that you receive a mini-physical once every two months.
·         Each whole blood donation can help as many as three people. One unit is divided into three parts: red blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
·         Whole blood donation only takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes.
·         Blood cannot be manufactured. It can only come as a gift from people.
·         The need for blood increases during holidays and summer months. People are more apt to be traveling and active during these times and thus are at an increased risk for accidents.
·         Statistics show that 25 percent or more of us will require blood at least once in our lifetime.

Reasons that inspires you for Donating Blood:

·     60% of the population will need blood at some time in their lives, yet less than 5% of the population donates.
·         Disasters like car accidents, fires, and other trauma cases happen every day and these patients need blood, and rarely do they need only one pint. A bleeding trauma victim can run through 100 units of blood in no time.
·       Donating blood is safe and a healthy thing to do. Not only do you get a free mini physical, including blood pressure check, heart rate, temperature and iron levels, but it's the fastest way to lose a pound!
·  For men, there is a life-saving benefit to donating blood. Men are at higher risk for "hemochromatosis or iron overload" a potentially deadly problem where too much iron builds up in the blood. It can lead to heart disease and other major health problems. Research shows if men give blood 3 times a year, they can reduce their iron overload and therefore their risk of a heart attack by as much as 50%!
·      Blood donors are true heroes. In fact, your one blood donation will be broken down into several components, enabling you, with just one donation, to save up to three lives!

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

KPI for HR: How, When and Where?

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) also known as KSIs which stand for Key Success Indicators are not specifically linked only to HRD, but has to do with the entire organization. Since HR is the heart of any organization usually HR is assists other department also to set and identified their KPIs, which are measurable and quantifiable in nature so as to measure the success of the organization in terms of the organization's mission and goals. Hence KPIs can be defined as measurements for an organization's success.

For example, HR Department could have Employee Turnover as one of its KPIs. The goal for setting this KPI would be to reduce employee turnover. It could be defined numerically for better definition such as to reduce employee turnover by 5% every year. This KPI could be defined as the total of the number of employees separated from the organization for reasons of resignation or termination divided by the number of employees at the beginning of the year. It could be measured on a fixed time schedule like every month or every quarter. For HR Department other KPIs can be following: Recruitment KPI, Training KPI, Health and Safety KPI, Performance KPI, HR Efficiency KPI, Working Time KPI, Compensation KPI, Labor Relation KPI, Employee Satisfaction KPI, Employee Loyalty KPI, HR Budget and Accounting KPI etc.

Sample Explanation:

Frequently used HR KPIs include:
FTE = Full Time Employees
Revenue per Employee (FTE) 
Assets per FTE 
Training Hours per FTE 
Training Costs per FTE 
HR Department Cost per FTE 
FTEs per HR Department FTE
Acceptance Rate 
Average Cost per Hire 
Absence Rate
Turnover Rate
Resignation Rate 
Human Investment Ratio 
Compensation & Benefits/Revenue 
Average Remuneration
Time taken per recruitment
Cost per recruitment

The choice of HR KPI will vary from year to year, subject to organization’s strategic planning, corporate strategies and objectives which in turn affect HR’s strategic planning, HRM strategies and objectives. Bellow, I am providing only one KPI’s in details here. If anyone needs the details of other metrics, please do email me.

Training KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

1. Training courses
• Number of courses offered
• Number of courses implemented.

2. Training costing
• Organization training expenditure (% of salaries and wages)

3. Training certificates
• Number of employees completing sponsored education programs

4. Training hours
• Average number of training hours per employee

5. Training budget
• % of HR budget spent on training
• Average training costs per employee

6. Training satisfaction
• Employee satisfaction with training.

7. Training results
• % of employees gone through training
• Average time to competence. That is average time it takes until expected competence level is reached.
• % & employee reach competence after training.

8. Training penetration rate
It measures the percentage of employees completing a course compared to total number of employees employed.

9. E-learning training
• e-learning courses utilized
• % of e-learning pass rate

And indeed e-HRM is the key tool to measure all the metrics successfully with 0% error.

© Shaki, Ahmed R (2012), Candidate of PhD in HRM, UUM